- Austria
- Belgio
- Finlandia
- Francia
- Germania
- Grecia
- Irlanda
- Polonia
- Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles, Scozia, Irlanda del Nord)
- Romania
- Spagna
- Svezia
Shipping costs: € 55.00 for the following foreign countries from 21 kg. up to 50 kg of packaged goods.
- Austria
- Belgio
- Finlandia
- Francia
- Germania
- Grecia
- Irlanda
- Polonia
- Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles, Scozia, Irlanda del Nord)
- Spagna
- Svezia
To know the shipping costs to other foreign countries not listed, send a request for a quote to:
info@unmondodiformaggi.it or call +393474956409 (also on Whatsapp)
From the receipt of the order / payment, the goods are generally delivered within 8 days.
Delivery of goods to the courier in 3/4 days from the payment of the order. Subsequently, delivery usually takes place in 3/4 days, in Standard mode, instead in 24/48 hours in Express mode. In general, orders received by the end of the current week will be processed within the first 2 working days of the following week. We cannot intervene on transporters' delays for various reasons (these conditions are valid only for Italy).
The goods are shipped in cardboard or polystyrene packages suitable for food products.
Payments accepted on the website:
- Paypal also with the possibility of fast cash
(shorter order processing time);
- Electronic payment card
(shorter order processing time);
- Advance bank transfer after order confirmation;
- Advance PostePay recharge after order confirmation.